Thursday, May 17, 2007


Eylo there,

Its been a while and sooo many of you`s have asked me about my next posting. In all honesty i got bored of the virtual realm; and things have been busy. Anyways, i was thining about life in general, how things change, the uncertainty, the routine, the way some live and some merely exist and i thought that it would be interesting to ask two questions:

  • What defines life? and
  • If you were told that the battles of the end of this existance were here, what would be your reaction?

Personally, i think faith, family, friends, experiences (good and bad) attribute to defining life, but i just think we define life in terms of the people we learn we are. if that makes any sense :/

As for the final battles, well, perhaps it would be too late to ask for forgiveness from my Creator, but thats what i would do, and the rest, well theres naught else to do save embrace death...

You and I - Lebo Mashile

I've fallen so deeply in love rediscovering my love for poetry and words...This is such a beautiful piece...