Friday, March 23, 2007

My Love, My Life

So this is a pic of Raeesa and Faeeza when they were babies, even my mom used to get confused so they decided to use different colour face cloths :)


Anonymous said...

They say the parents always know.
I don't think that's true

Sometimes I wonder if they confuse twins when they're younger, when for e.g. Raeesa is really supposed to be Faeeza and vice versa.

Anonymous said...

Man, i just realised i said something silly.
but it's late and i've had an exhausting please do excuse it sue :P

but they're so cute! hehe....

prince said...

hw do u knw that r isnt f,mayb b4 the face cloths r was f and f was r nw r has f's cloth and f has r's cloth so nw r is realy f and f is realy r

Waseem said...

aw cute :). i hope u asked their permission before putting their pic up lol, or they'll catch you wen they get home

Mukhtar Ahmad Khan said...

awwwww check da tweenies :) tho cute they is :P *swops da face clothes around*

rasmal said...

LOL...u bucnch of deranged guess whose who!
clowns i swear...anyways back to work.

Unknown said...

parents...most of the time know...mum still gets confused sometimes, dad never use to now sue gets confused on the phone...signs of old age creeping up suey? lol :P see you sunday sue.

rasmal said...

oh ya...i jus thought id add....this is the only photo that our parents have of us as babies...n they didnt even take it....i wonder y

You and I - Lebo Mashile

I've fallen so deeply in love rediscovering my love for poetry and words...This is such a beautiful piece...