Thursday, March 8, 2007

In the Stillness of the Night

In the stillness of the night
Slowly life evaporates from my veins
As the heart bleeds
The tears warm streaming down
The sighs of despair to compliment
Memories like a damaged record play
Days gone by of past happiness
Days of laughter and sunshine
Of childhood joys and lessons taught
Lessons learnt, lessons of pain
Of bruised knees and stitches
Lessons of respect and compassion
Days of advice and wisdom
Oh! How I remember your voice
Our last conversation strikingly clear
Your picture on my mantle
Reminds me of our short years
In the silence of the night
My heart bleeds
Tears of warm rivers flow
I know it was your time to go,
But Daddy, I miss you so.

1 comment:

Hasina Suliman said...

Such powerful words . . .


You and I - Lebo Mashile

I've fallen so deeply in love rediscovering my love for poetry and words...This is such a beautiful piece...